This database is the result of a 6 year investigation and monitoring of LOBO loans involving more than a thousand FOI requests.
Initiated in 2014 by members of Move Your Money and Debt Resistance UK, from 2017 the investigation was continued by Research for Action, a worker co-op set up by members of the Debt Resistance UK. You can read more about the investigation and the campaign on LOBO loans in our knowledge base.
The database is currently maintained by Research for Action and updated after the end of each financial year. For any queries please contact us at info[@]
Project lead: Ludovica Rogers
Main contributors since 2014: Joel Benjamin, Jamie Griffiths, Maria Longley, Matthew Parsfield, Ruth Bone.
Other contributors: Ranjan Kumaran, Fanny Malinen, Megan Waugh.
Website: Outlandish